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Third party compensation

Bodily Injury Compensation

Coverage for death or injury caused to a third party as a result of an automobile accident

If through the ownership or misuse of a vehicle, an accident occurs which causes injury or death to a third party, any legal responsibility for the client (the insured) to compensate for that damage will be borne by the insurance company.
The company will pay your claim subject to the maximum of the sum insured in respect of the damages exceeding the amount payable under Compulsory Automobile Liability Insurance.

Example cases where your claim is payable:

  • Collision with a ceased vehicle at a stoplight
  • Running over a bicycle when making a left turn
  • Running over a person
  • Collision with a train on the railroad track

Property Damage Compensation

Coverage for damage caused to a third party's property as a result of an automobile accident

If an accident causing damage to property, including another vehicle, house, traffic lights, etc. is caused as a result of the misuse of the insured vehicle, the legal responsibility of the policyholder to compensate for that damage will be borne by the insurance company.

Example cases where your claim is payable:

  • Collision with a bicycle when making a left turn
  • Running over a dog
  • Running into a store caused by misuse of brakes and gas pedal
  • Collision against a telephone pole or guardrail

Property Damage Excess Repair Cost Coverage

If the cost of repairs to the other party’s vehicle exceeds the market value* of that vehicle, the excess amount will be borne by the insurance company

*”Market Value” means the amount remaining after deducting “wastage through use” from replacement value.

Injury compensation

Personal Injury Compensation

Coverage for death or injury caused to the insured and their passengers

If the insured, the insured's family or other passengers in the vehicle dies, are injured or suffers residual disability as a result of an automobile accident, compensation will be paid (as outlined in the policy), regardless of the percentage of liability.

Accidents that will be covered:

  • Accidents occurred while in the insured vehicle
  • Accidents occurred while in a vehicle other than the insured vehicle.
  • Accidents resulting from a contact with a vehicle while walking or riding a bicycle.

*Note: b) and c) are excluded for policies having “Coverage while riding the insured vehicle” restriction applied.

Insurance claims

The insurance amount to be paid will be the amount of actual loss, calculated within the limit of the insured amount for each person.

Calculation Method for Amount of Damage

Calculated according to the Bodily Injury Compensation Special Clauses Damage Amount Calculation Standard.

Own Accident Insurance Coverage

Automatically included in the Bodily Injury Liability Insurance

Compensation will be made when the vehicle covered in the policy is involved in a single-car accident (crash into telephone pole, drive off a cliff etc.) resulting in the death or residual disability of the owner or driver, and no compensation is made under compulsory automobile liability insurance.

Uninsured Automobile Insurance Coverage

Automatically included in the Bodily Injury Liability Insurance

Compensation will be made if your vehicle is involved in an accident with another vehicle which is uninsured, or does not have insurance to cover the specific accident, resulting in your death or residual disability, and if you are unable to claim adequate compensation from the other party.

Passenger Personal Accident (Option)

Compensation will be paid in case of a car accident resulting in death, disability, or injury.

If a passenger (including driver) in the insured vehicle is killed, disabled or injured as a result of a car accident, the following insurance claims may be possible.

  • Death: Liability amount
  • Residual disability: 4% - 100% of liability amount depending on the severity level.
  • Medical insurance: lump-sum payment according to each contract.

Vehicle compensation

Vehicle coverage

Always there to protect your car

Compensation for physical damage on the insured automobile

In case loss or damage is caused to the insured automobile by collision or contact with other automobile, theft (Note1) or other incident accident, the insurance company will pay the claim for physical damage. In order to meet your needs, individualized coverage maybe selected from alternatives, such as “Full Coverage” or “Economical Coverage” (Vehicle and Vehicle Collision + Limited A), as well as the deductible (i.e., the amount you must pay yourself) for your first and subsequent accidents. Some examples of accidents covered by each type are shown below.).

Note1: A case that the insured automobile is a two-wheeler or a motorcycle, motorbike or moped is EXCLUDED

The types of accidents covered by your insurance

Total loss of vehicle incidental expense coverage

If the insured vehicle becomes a total loss as a result of an accident, there are a number of incidental costs involved in scrapping the vehicle and paying taxes for a replacement vehicle. To help reduce the burden, the insurance company will pay you part of the car insurance value to cover these incidental expenses.

You can choose different options below! Each insurance companies have different options of coverage

Lump-sum payment for vehicle’s totaled by earthquake, tsunami and volcanic eruption

(You can select this option when “full coverage” is purchased )

If the insured vehicle becomes totaled due to earthquake, tsunami or volcanic eruption, the insurance company will pay a lump-sum of 500,000 yen to cover the expenses incurred by the named insured.

Substitute vehicle expenses coverage

The expenses related to renting a vehicle after an accident will be paid to the cost of a rental car in the event of an accident.

Emergency accommodation expense

If emergency lodging is required, the insurance company will provide information on accommodations and cover the expenses up to the fixed amount.

Alternate transportation expense

The insurance company will provide the transportation expense to your home or interim destination.

Losses resulted from lost reservations

If you were to lose reservations, such as accommodation or concert tickets, the insurance company will cover the loss resulted from your losing reservation up to fixed amount.

Discount & Loading

Automobile insurance operates on a twenty (20) grade rating system (Table 1) , ranging from a maximum discount of 63% up to maximum loading of 108%, depending on such things as your age and driving record. Newly insured vehicles (and drivers without a previous driving record in Japan) start at the industry standard grade of ‘6’ (Table 2) , and receive a promotion for each claim-free year. The policyholder’s rating will be degraded by three if a claim is filed.

When you insure your car through Japan Insurance your rating will be carried over from your current insurance provider in Japan. This ensures that we can offer you the highest discount possible based on your previous driving record.

Table 1

Grade rating system 1 2 3 4 5 6(F) 7(F) 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Loading rate(%)
No accident 108 63 38 7 2 13 27 38 44 46 48 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 63
One or more
14 15 18 19 20 22 24 25 28 32 44 46 50 51
  Loading Discount
Grade rating system 1 2 3 4 5 6(F) 7(F) 8 9 10
Loading rate(%)
No accident 108 63 38 7 2 13 27 38 44 46
One or more
14 15 18 19
  Loading Discount
Grade rating system 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Loading rate(%)
No accident 48 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 63
One or more
20 22 24 25 28 32 44 46 50 51

Table 2

Age Restriction None 21 or Older 26 or Older 35 or Older
First Time Policy Holder 3% Loading
Special Provision for a Newly Owned Second Car 38% Discount

Gold license discount

If the policyholder’s (the main driver listed in the policy) driver's license is gold (as opposed to green or blue) as of the first day of the insured period, a discount is applicable.

Policy Holder & Spouse only discount

You are entitled to a discount if only you and your spouse are covered by general liability insurance as drivers of the vehicle.

Special Compensation

Comprehensive Personal Liability

Coverage for compensation legally required such as death, injury, or property damage to the third party resulting from an accident in your everyday life.

Personal Effects Plan

Coverage for compensation made for personal property within the insured vehicle that is damaged as a result of accidents such as crash, contact, fire, and theft.

Note: Personal property shall not include the following: automobiles, motorized bicycles, bicycles, mobile phones, notebook computers, contact lenses, glasses, electronic money, securities (not incl. checks), commuter passes, etc.

Motorbike Liability

Compensation Accident for Motorbikes (125cc and below)

Compensation will be paid when the insured, person covered by the policy or his/her family, riding a motorbike is involved in an accident that kills or injures a third party or damages their property, and the insured is under law deemed liable for the accident.

Attorney Expense Coverage Service

This service can be used to pay for the legal consultation fees and lawyer's fees you incur when trying to seek your entitled legal damages from another party.

Protection for the policy holder while driving another vehicle

Protecting you in the case of an accident while driving someone else’s car

If you or your family (relatives living with you, or single children living separately) have an accident while driving a borrowed vehicle, it is possible to receive compensation for bodily injury or property damage under your insurance policy. Under certain conditions (see below) damage to the borrowed vehicle will also be covered. Even if the borrowed vehicle is insured, payment for damages including bodily injury, property damage and damage to the borrowed vehicle can be given priority. (In the case of a rental vehicle, that vehicle’s insurance policy is given priority)

Note: The conditions include the items below:
  1. If the insured vehicle’s policy regards another vehicle (the borrowed car) as the insured vehicle to pay insurance money for its physical damage.
  2. If another vehicle (the borrowed car) has an insurance policy that covers it for damage.
Road service
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