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Road Service / Emergency

Road Service

Breakdown and accident tow-truck service

If your car cannot be driven because of a breakdown or an accident, we will arrange a tow-truck to assist you 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

Breakdown assistance services (main services)

  1. Unlocking the car if your keys become locked inside (a charge may apply if it involves a specialized operation).
  2. Starting your car with jumper cables if you have a flat battery.
  3. Refueling when out of gas (free up to 10 liters, however only one time during the insured period.)
  4. Changing your tire to the spare if you get a flat.
  5. Hoisting your car out of a drain, etc. if a wheel (one wheel) goes over the edge.
  6. Other light mechanical repairs, such as plug replacement.
Note1: Coverage applies to all areas of Japan, and your home.
Note2: The cost of replacement parts will be charged to the customer.
Note3: Before receiving service, valid documentation must be provided to the service representative. The customer may be charged directly if this documentation cannot be provided at the time of service.
Note4: An additional fee is required if two or more wheels must be hoisted (from a drain, etc.).
Road service
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